So, you are planning to have a baby. Well, that’s exciting news! A baby is a blessing and parenthood is such a joy.
First-time parents or not, what could be more exciting than planning for the baby’s coming.
Indeed, planning is a big help to everybody in the family plus it increases the chances of having a healthy pregnancy and a good childbirth.
Planning to Have a Baby
First things first, though. There’s the health of the mother to consider. Is she healthy enough to bear a child and rear one?
The health of the mother is very important in determining the health of the child. She should not only be healthy physically but emotionally as well.
Her age should also be taken into consideration as it affects the risks involved in pregnancy.
She should maintain an ideal weight and have regular exercise prior to conceiving. Likewise, it is recommended that she should have a pre-conception health check that includes her :
- blood pressure,
- rubella screening,
- contraception methods, and
- tests for urine,
- cholesterol, and
- hemoglobin levels.
There’s also the relationship with her partner. Is he supportive of the plan and is willing to make some sacrifices of his own? For example, there may be some adjustments in the family budget.
Is he willing to absorb these since baby’s arrival is sure to affect household expenditures.
Needless to say, there’s the immunizations for the mother even before pregnancy, the
- maternity clothes to buy, the regular visits to the doctor (for the pre-natal check-ups), the medical expenses during delivery, the baby’s layette, emergency funds, and a host of other essential things to prepare.
Lifestyle change is another consideration. Nights out with friends should be kept to a minimum, if not totally obliterated.
Drinking alcohol, smoking, sleeping late, and getting stressed out are not good and should be avoided as these may cause certain abnormalities in the unborn child.
The parents should accept that having a baby in the house will change the way they live their life, but it will also make their life very rewarding and full of joy.
During pregnancy, the mother should eat foods that are nutritious and rich in protein, iron, and calcium. If she gets ill, she should immediately consult a doctor who can prescribe the best medicines for her condition.
She should not resort to self-medication as this may harm her and the developing baby inside her womb.
Not only should she pay regular visits to her obstetrician, but she should also visit her dentist regularly and practice good oral and personal hygiene.
She should start proper breast care as well in preparation for breastfeeding.
Indeed, the best thing that can happen to a family is a baby. Planning and preparing for the arrival is one way of welcoming baby warmly into this world.